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Hevron Earth Mezuzah Case: Four Elements of Israel #002m'
  • Hevron Earth Mezuzah Case: Four Elements of Israel #002m'


    Width – 3 cm

    Thickness – 2 cm

    Height – 17.5 cm

    The internal dimensions for inserting a scroll – 15 cm

    Extremely strong double sided adhesive tape

    Produced in the Land of Israel by Jewish artisans from Zefat city

    This product is packed and ready for shipping

    There may be slight changes in dimensions depending on the natural shape of the wood

    Deliveries in Israel

    Shipments abroad USA,EUROPE,AUSTRALIA

    Many customers have come into our shop asking where we source our wood: the short answer is, the holy land of Israel!

But our passionate buyers desired a deeper connection to the art.


    They asked, "Where exactly in Israel?"

As you may have heard, each city in Israel vibrates with a unique energy.


    For example, Tzfat is known for creating a floaty atmosphere where you can lose track of time amidst a spiritual exchange with a stranger on the street. This is the energy of Air. Meanwhile, Yerushalayim ignites a fire within you, urging you to move, jump, and pursue something big! This energy is called Fire.


    Our Four Elements Mezuzah Set features four unique mezuzahs, each crafted from wood sourced from one of these four cities. Each Holy City is associated with an element identified through kabbalistic wisdom. The color of epoxy chosen for each mezuzah correlates to the element of the city:


    * Jerusalem: Element of Fire: Representing the Aish Tamid in the Bais HaMikdash (the eternal flame upon the Temple’s alter), Epoxy color Red/Orange/Yellow

* Tzfat: Element of Air: Representing Ruah/Spirituality and the Airy Mountains of Tzfat, Epoxy color Clear/White/Light Blue

* Hebron: Element of Earth: Representing Me'arat Hamachpelah (Cave of the Patriarchs), burial site of Avraham, Sarah, Yaakov, Rachel, Adam, and Hava. As well as the first piece of land Avraham bought in Israel, Epoxy color brown/red/green

* Tiberias: Element of Water: Representing the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Epoxy color Blue



As wood is an absorber and transmitter of energies, this set has an ancient, mystical and power combination of the four most vibrant energies in Israel. The uniting of potent frequency from all four corners of Israel in the mezuzah covers, combined with the Shema Prayer inside the mezuzah cover, brings a balancing of energies to your space. Just imagine the frequency an olive tree from Israel radiating light accumulated from over 500 years, elevating your work space, Shul and guarding your home.

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